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Win a Hyperice Venom 2 Leg and turbocharge your recovery

Hyperice Venom 2 Leg

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





For over a decade, Hyperice has led a global movement at the confluence of recovery and wellness, specialising in percussion, dynamic air compression, vibration, and thermal technology and contrast therapy. Their dedication to research and development ensures that every product is meticulously designed to meet the evolving demands of consumers worldwide. From amateur enthusiasts to elite athletes, Hyperice’s technology has become synonymous with excellence in sports recovery and promoting overall wellbeing. 

Enter Hyperice’s Venom 2 Leg - the ultimate companion for runners seeking peak performance and enhanced recovery. Combining heat and vibration technology, this cutting-edge wearable targets key muscle groups in the leg and alleviates any soreness, loosens muscle knots and allows you to maintain flexibility and range of motion throughout the day. Whether you’re gearing up for a marathon or winding down after an intense training session, the Venom 2 Leg provides unparalleled support to keep you performing at your best. 

Key benefits: 

HyperHeat™ technology ensures consistent, even heating, up 6x faster than a standard heating pad providing instant, soothing relief to sore muscles
Heats up so fast it will leave your leg feeling a sense of relief almost instantly, perfect for when you have finished your race and need to recover, fast

Don’t miss your chance to revolutionise your running routine and take your training to new heights with Hyperice. Join the competition today and discover the power of next-level recovery.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 03/06/2024.


Hyperice Venom 2 Leg x1